Good Learners Assembly ~ Friday 22nd June!

This morning, children across the school received awards for their excellent efforts and achievements in learning throughout the curriculum.

Some were awarded certificates for their hard work in Maths and their efforts in writing too. Other children were praised for their hard work supporting others with their handwriting, offering advice to their class mates. Children in Year R also attended again today, celebrating their hard work with other children from their class. Pupils were also praised for their hard work in spellings as well as stepping up to the challenge of showing increased maturity in Year 6’s absence as they are away on their Wales adventure… (if you’d like to read what they are upto, click here…)

Reading certificates were presented to:

Bronze: Ruby A-S, Jasmine R, Erys C, Taylor M, Kai D, Tye H & Katie C.

Silver: Chrisse F, Liam H, Alesha D, Ashton H, Imogen H, Layla S, Rebecca R, Ryder J & Kai D

Gold: Serenity A, Isabelle S & Hannah!


Housepoints this week have not been collected, as Year 6 are in Wales!

An exploding start to Y1 half term.

Year 1 Newsletter – Autumn 2

We have been having a bang, pop, whizz of a time in Angelfish these last few weeks. We have been learning all about Guy Fawkes and using some fantastic language to describe our fireworks in English. Mr Charman lit a bonfire for us and we had sparklers to help us develop our word banks in class.

Today, we have just started learning about Little Red Riding Hood. We found some wolf footprints in Jellyfish class and Granny asleep in her house. She was a little scared but we made her feel safe.


In science we are learning all about materials and their properties. Can you look around your house and find out what materials different objects are made of? We have also got a need science lab in our role play area to help us get into the role of a scientist. Please ask us what we have learnt about wood, metal, plastic and glass.


We are looking forward to…….CHRISTMAS, yay. We have started to learn the songs for our KS1 performance and are very excited to show you. Watch this space for more updates from Angelfish.

Aspire, Believe, Conquer

Year 4 Explore the Lost Thing Book!

Children have been working on hard on the book ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. The story is about Shaun who enjoys collecting bottle tops for his bottle top collection. One day, while collecting bottle tops near a beach, he discovers a strange creature. This creature is referred to as “The Lost Thing” by the narrator.

The author has described The Lost Thing as a combination of an industrial boiler, a crab, and an octopus and we have encouraged the class to select adjectives to go with nouns and adding verbs for movements when they have describing an image of The Lost Thing:

A good description was: ‘The lid was spiky and the machine’s legs were yellow as rotten teeth!’

As the class has read through the book we have also focused on emotions of the characters featured in the story and the class has been developing their skills into describing how the characters feel by using the striking visual images featured in the story and short film.

This is one of the final scenes and the children having built up their writing skills, the children wrote a description of what was happening such as: ‘Back I stepped from the door, I felt sad for the Lost Thing because he can’t see me any more as the door closed.’

Great work Pelicans on this interesting book.

[Written by Mr Blows]

Skellig – Year 6 English Topic.

Year 6 have been learning about a new book called Skellig! Have you listened to your child telling you about their day at school? Telling you about their new topicRelated image in English? If not then here is some information about their newly favourite topic. Have you got any idea about the book?

This book has been Year 6’s favourite because it is so mysterious (and confusing in some points). Most of the story is related to real life. Year 6 will be continuing this topic to find out more about the book. They have written pieces of work around this topic already.

Hopefully at the end, we will complete another piece of writing based on what we have discovered through the book, but that will be even better and will have more detail!

If you want to have a read yourself, get the book out of the library! Leave a comment below to say what you think of the book so far!

(Written By Keira F ~ Orca)


Kraken’s Class Assembly!

This morning, children from Kraken class in Year 4/5, presented their assembly on dragons, including their work on the book & film – “How to Train Your Dragon!”Image result for how to train your dragon

They showed examples of their work, explained the features of their amazing creatures and described their appearances and where their mythical beasts live!

The assembly also included a humourous appearance by a fierce dragon who was headed off by spear-wielding defenders, and a makaton inspired performance of a popular Dragon themed song! Children also demonstrated their work in Maths, designing a dragon training area too!

Well done to Miss Kempton, Miss Brenton and all of Kraken class for a super assembly! Leave a comment below to let us know what you thought of the Dragon-Kraken-Assembly this morning!

[Written by Mr Thorns]

Year 3 Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!

Year 3 were delighted to be crowned winners in the Bug Club reading challenge. As a reward, Penguins were thrown a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. What a party it was!  The children spent the afternoon enjoying a picnic in the class and didn’t even save any food for their teachers! 😦

[Written by Mrs Gates]

Book Week in KS1

What a fantastic week we had! We were so a boy, a girl and a bookimpressed with the incredible hats that came in to school for the competition, thank you so much for taking the time to design and create a hat with your child, they were very proud of them. Children have been enjoying reading, ‘The Cat in The Hat’ and wrote some wonderful poems that they shared across the school after being inspired by Dr Seuss.

Continue reading “Book Week in KS1”

Who wants to be a Millionaire?

Year 1 and 2 have recently have been trying out new ways to make phonics exciting.

Today we teamed up to play who wants to be a millionaire. The children had to work together to identify the correct phonics and compete with other teams. This week we have been focusing on split vowel digraphs.

Well done to Team A, who won with 5 team points and excellent split vowel digraph knowledge.

[Written by Mrs Pullan]

Starfish Visit Bedenham!

On Wednesday 1st March, we went to Bedenham to take part in ‘Fedaread’ activities. We had great fun playing rhyming games and making up our own stories using props. We also had some free time to explore the inside and outside provision.

Leave a comment below to let us know what you thought of the visit!

[Written by Mrs Messem & Mrs Stickler]

~ Welcome to the Holbrook Blogs ~

These pages are designed to help showcase the amazing work and activities going on at our school, including events, work from the children and celebrations of special occasions in school. Feel free to comment on what you have read and seen and we look forward to the HolbrookBlogs growing over the coming months – keeping you up to date with life at Holbrook Primary…


[Written by Mr Thorns ~ I.T & Computing Manager]