Rainbow Inclusion Day 2018!

As part of Holbrook’s commitment to be an inclusive school (and in keepingart materials, close-up, color pencil with our Inclusion Quality Mark too) the school held a cake sale, fundraising and singing assembly to mark our Rainbow Day!

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An exploding start to Y1 half term.

Year 1 Newsletter – Autumn 2

We have been having a bang, pop, whizz of a time in Angelfish these last few weeks. We have been learning all about Guy Fawkes and using some fantastic language to describe our fireworks in English. Mr Charman lit a bonfire for us and we had sparklers to help us develop our word banks in class.

Today, we have just started learning about Little Red Riding Hood. We found some wolf footprints in Jellyfish class and Granny asleep in her house. She was a little scared but we made her feel safe.


In science we are learning all about materials and their properties. Can you look around your house and find out what materials different objects are made of? We have also got a need science lab in our role play area to help us get into the role of a scientist. Please ask us what we have learnt about wood, metal, plastic and glass.


We are looking forward to…….CHRISTMAS, yay. We have started to learn the songs for our KS1 performance and are very excited to show you. Watch this space for more updates from Angelfish.

Aspire, Believe, Conquer

Harvest Celebration Assembly!

This morning children across the school celebrated Harvest Celebration assembly, with visitors from our local family-church in the nearby No automatic alt text available.community.

The hall tables were filled with a selection of wonderful food, tins and a huge bread centrepiece, which will be donated to a local charity food bank.

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Mayor Making – Team Captain’s Visit!

                         Holbrook’s Mayor Making Visit – May 2017

Did you see the Team Captains leave Holbrook? Did you notice our ‘Mayor Bear’ badges? Want to fine out more? Then, just keep on reading!

Why were we going?

Holbrook’s wonderful team captains have been given the experience to watch one of our Gosport Council members to be elected as the Mayor of Gosport. On Wednesday 17th of May 2017, Holbrook’s Team Captains (representing Holbrook) traveled with Bedenham’s Team Captains to watch the Mayor Making ceremony of Mrs Batty. How delightful…

The Ceremony:

It was very rainy by the time we got there! Muddy and wet! We all got wet! Once we entered, we noticed at the back a row of chairs set up for three schools: our federation and another school. In front was two groups, separated with a wide pathway for our future Mayor to walk through. As time went by, more and more people entered and the room was getting crowded. Did I mention the band? While people walked in, a group of music players were playing tunes to occupy the waiting viewers. I had to admit, the wait was pretty boring, but the tunes did lighten me up!


Continue reading “Mayor Making – Team Captain’s Visit!”

Maths Open Morning at Holbrook!

Last week saw parents and carers from across the school visit us for an Open Maths Morning, joining Image result for mathstheir children in lessons and learning a little bit about what Maths lessons are like here at Holbrook.

First, parents were offered an opportunity to see some of the methods taught to pupils at the school, before joining their children in lessons and working alongside them through the morning. Children were delighted to be sharing their methods and learning with their friends and family, with several parents jointly teaching the children alongside the staff, while others learnt a new trick or two with their calculations!

Continue reading “Maths Open Morning at Holbrook!”

Emergency Services Day!

On Thursday 30th March, Starfish class had visits from a Policewoman, a Paramedic and a team of Firefighters.

In the morning, we found out about Police Officers and Paramedics. We looked at their uniform and their vehicles. We were all lucky enough to sit in the vehicles. The children loved getting into the ambulance via the electronic ramp.

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Firefighters visit Starfish class…

The children were very excited when six Firefighters visited Holbrook. They brought their uniform and equipment to show us as well as a fire engine. Just as we were learning about their uniform they got an emergency call on their walkie talkie.

The Firefighters had to run from our class room to their fire engine, which was on the KS2 playground. Luckily we were quick enough to see the fire engine leave with its lights flashing and sirens on.

The children all wondered what the emergencey could be. They had lots of good ideas as we have learnt that Firefighters do not just put out fires in houses. Hopefully they will come to visit us again soon.

(Written by Mrs Messem)